Our mission is to educate and empower mothers and partners by providing current, evidence-based information for the childbearing year. We teach positive, compassionate classes that strengthen confidence in the process of birth, while respecting the diverse needs and birth plans of our students.
Healthy Pregnancy
Safe and healthy birth begins with a healthy pregnancy. Excellent nutrition, appropriate exercise, prenatal care and education, and avoidance of harmful substances and situations put a mother and baby in the best position to have a healthy labor and birth.
Informed Beginnings educators teach and promote a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy as an integral part of preparation for birth.
Healthy Childbirth
For most mothers and babies, natural childbirth — unmedicated labor and birth with no unnecessary medical interventions — is the safest, healthiest way to give birth. Informed Beginnings encourages natural childbirth in a location of the mother’s choice, while remaining sensitive to families whose needs and desires require more technologically assisted births.
Informed Beginnings educators teach mothers and supportive birth partners natural, effective techniques to avoid unnecessary discomfort. The loving support of a birth partner does more for a birthing mother than any amount of medication.
Healthy Feeding
Breastfeeding is the natural and normal mode of feeding infants. Research affirms that artificial feeding is a choice best reserved for situations of necessity. Most mothers and babies can have a successful, healthy, and rewarding breastfeeding experience when they have the proper education and support.
Informed Beginnings educators champion breastfeeding for the health of babies and mothers by educating and supporting families during pregnancy and postpartum.
Healthy Families
Informed Beginnings educators promote connected families and responsive parenting. We emphasize the importance of an active and loving support team in the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. This leads to bonding at birth that affects a family’s relationship for life.
Parental Responsibility
The health and welfare of a child are the ultimate responsibility of his or her parents. Informed Beginnings encourages parents to take responsibility and advocate for the health of their child through education and informed decision making in all aspects of their child’s care. Parents should be educated on their options and take care in selecting their birth place and care provider. Parents should also be prepared for unexpected situations such as unplanned unattended childbirth, complications, and the need for medical intervention including Cesarean section.
Consumerism and Informed Decision Making
Childbearing mothers are consumers of health care services and they have a right to make the best choices for their care based on complete and accurate evidence-based information.
Informed Beginnings educators promote clear and respectful communication between mothers and birth partners; maternity care providers; labor support; and educators. Mothers and partners are taught to advocate for themselves and their babies in a manner that asserts their choices and respects their birth team.
Building Community
Parents that have taken Informed Beginnings classes together have shared in an experience of learning, growing, and sharing that forms a unique bond between them. This builds local communities of supportive, like-minded families who are able to journey further together as their families grow. Informed Beginnings families are also part of a greater community, sharing resources and information in person and online.